The centre-piece of this room is a magnificent wood-carved lacquered bed, covered with silk from Lyon. Mme de Staël received it as a marriage gift, either from her father or from her husband.
The mahogany desk on the right-hand side belonged to Mr. Necker. It is surmounted by a bust of him and a portrait of Mrs. Récamier, the “Beauty among beauties”. She was Madame de Staëls faithful friend who withstood Napoleon`s prohibition to come to Coppet and was therefore exiled to Châlons-on Marne.
The portraits in this room revive the members of the family: Mme de Staël herself in front of the bust of her father by Firmin Massot
Albert Jean Michel, known as John Rocca , Mme de Staëls second husband who was 22 years younger than herself by Louis Bouvier as well as the portraits of two of her children, Auguste and Albertine. On your left is an inlaid chest-of-drawer, one of the most beautiful work by a member of the famous Hache family, native from Grenoble. You can also admire a XVIIth century Florentine cabinet in which women could put away their jewels and secret letters.
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