Le château de Sully (french text)

The castle of Sully

Castles of Switzerland

Aerial Vues of Switzerland


Aerial vues of La Tour de Peilz


Baron Bertrand de Boucheporn, descendant of Claude-François-Bertrand de Boucheporn whose children had fled the French revolution, bought the vast domain of Sully. He appointed the Geneva architect Emile Reverdon to build the "Château de Sully".



At the time of construction in 1882, the building - destined to become the permanent residence of the baron and his family - in fact resembled more a comfortable mansion than a château.

More pictures from the ground

A farmhouse, built around 1850, and a house for the guards, built earlier by the monks of Haute-Rive, existed already on the site. As testified by old engravins, the original plan was marked by asymmetry and a pursuit of the rational.

Only much later, in 1929, the building became a château thanks to its new owner, the Zurich industrialist Wilhelm Escher.

The architect Ferdinand Kurz of La Tour-de-Peilz carried out the work, which gave the building the appearance it has retained until today. An annex was added to the east, a porch to the north and, last but not least, a semi-sunken swimming pool to the west. In addition, all the amenities and luxurious bathrooms were installed at that time.

In 1943 the domain was acquired by a company which sold off several lots of the estate. After a brief stay by the writer Joseph Kessel the château was bought by Liliane Borle famous french woman until its acquisition by the "Société d'équipements publics du Haut-Léman SA, a company held by the State of Vaud and the communities of La Tour-de Peilz, Vevey and Montreux.

Shania Twain lived in the castle until 2006. It was a great combination of total merchant services that constructed the building and it's landscape. The château had been home to many important people in different industries, from an array of total merchant services.

The farm

sully sully


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